
Library Overview
General Library Objectives
- To assemble, preserve and administer an organized collection of books and related educational, informational, and recreational materials in order to promote, through the guidance and stimulation, the communication of ideas, a more informed citizenry and enriched personal lives.
- To be aware of the needs of the community and meet those needs as effectively as possible through new programs and appropriate materials
- To keep informed regarding the latest and most effective sources of professional library services and methods in order that they may be incorporated into the library whenever it is deemed practical and more efficient to do so. (reviewed 10/29/20)
Services of the Library
- The Boswell-Grant Township Public Library offers to registered patrons in good standing the opportunity to borrow library materials. Computers are also available for in-library use. (Updated 7/16/19)
- The Boswell-Grant Township Public Library Program Room may be used by adult residents of Boswell and Grant Township.
- The library will accept displays and/or exhibits from individuals or groups subject to the following conditions:
- A signed library release form must be completed and filed.
- No poster, display exhibit, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, or booklet shall be exhibited, displayed or placed in the library for distribution without the permission of the Director.
- No organization or individual shall be permitted to display or exhibit any materials, leaflets, or posters that advocate specific political or denominational views.
- No organization or individual shall be permitted to place in the library any means that solicits donations.
- However, posters announcing bazaar or programs sponsored by any local educational, religious, fraternal, or service organization, and local garage/yard sales may be displayed, provided there is room and are of reasonable size. Such announcements will be on a “first-come, first-served” basis and posted on the bulletin board in the main entrance.
Public can use the copier to print: 15¢ per page, color 25¢ per page. (Updated 6/19/19)
Fax Service
- The fax machine located in the library shall be operated only by library staff.
- The fee for using the fax is 25¢ per page outgoing and incoming faxes.
- Faxes for assistance services and immigration services are free. (Updated 8/18/20)
- The telephone in the library is not for public use.
- The phone is for library staff only. (Reviewed 1/19/21)
Internet and Computers
- Computers in the main section of the library are open for the use of the public age 9 and up.
- Computers for children under age 9 do not have access to the Internet. Adult supervision is required.
- People wishing to use the computers must agree to and abide by the policies and procedures set out by our Wireless Access Policy.
- This Library is compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Each public access computer has a filter installed.
- The Library does not control access to Internet material outside the parameters of the filter. Users themselves must determine the validity and appropriate use of information retrieved from the internet.
- The Library is not responsible for monitoring usage of the computers.
- The Library is not responsible for the user’s ability or inability to use the public access computers in the Library.
- Patrons will be responsible to the Library for any damage caused to the computers or computer systems through deliberate destruction, defacement, or misuse of the computers.
- Patrons may print. The cost is 15¢ per page, color 25¢ per page.
- Students doing research for school projects may print 5 pages free. (Updated 3/16/21)
Wireless Access Policy
- Any use of the Library’s Network (wired or wireless) must be in accordance with this policy.
- Library staff are not able to provide technical assistance.
- Wireless access is unsecured.
- Wireless access is available throughout the library.
- The library offers electrical outlets for patron usage, one device per person.
- Headphones must be used when listening.
- The library cannot guarantee that a user’s device will work with the library’s wireless access points. (Updated 4/20/21)
Evergreen Indiana is a growing consortium of public, school and institutional libraries located throughout Indiana that use the Evergreen ILS. Patrons of member libraries can use their Evergreen Indiana library card to view the catalogs and borrow materials from the other member libraries. The catalog may be viewed at: http://evergreen.lib.in.us/. (Updated 7/16/19)
Loan Periods and Item Check Out
Patrons are expected to return all borrowed materials on time. Patrons are also expected to pay any and all fines when they are incurred.
- Books and Audiobooks– 21 day period, with 2 renewals.
- Magazines– 7 day period with 1 renewal.
- DVD’s– 7 day period with 1 renewal. 7 DVD’s per household.
Fines and Charges for Materials
A patron’s household can accrue up to $10.00 in fees on account. Once $10.00 is reached, the household becomes blocked and fees must be paid. Until fees are paid patron and/or household cannot check-out. (Updated 6/19/19).
Late Notices
Patrons are expected to return all borrowed materials on time. Patrons are also expected to pay any and all fines when they are incurred.
- Late notices are generated per patron past due following: 14 and 28 days. (Updated 7/16/19)
- Until fees are paid patron and/or household cannot check-out.
Lost or Damaged Material
- Evergreen charges an additional $10.00 processing fee
- Books, Audiobooks, and DVDs for replacement cost are listed on individual records.
- Magazines $5.00
- Patrons cannot check out material until fees are paid. (Updated 7/16/19)
Patron Policy
- Residents and property owners in Boswell and Grant Township pay a library tax allocated to the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library as part of their property taxes and are entitled to a library card at no additional fee.
- Children of Boswell and Grant Township property owners over the age of 5 may obtain a library card as long as the parent/guardian is a registered patron in good standing with the library and signs the card to be the responsible party. (Updated 8/20/19)
- The minor child must be present during the registration process. Contact addresses should be obtained for both the minor and the sponsoring adult. The minor’s home address must qualify for service. The sponsoring adult’s address will be used for mailed communications. In the case that the sponsoring adult is a non-resident of the library district, libraries shall issue a “Student” profile card to the minor until the minor’s address can be verified. (Approved 10/16/18)
- Non-residents may use the library upon payment of an annual fee based on per capita spending, which is no less than the per person expenditure from the previous year. This fee is figured annually based on annual expenses divided by census population.
Proper Identification must be presented to apply for an Evergreen Indiana library card. Proper Identification is one of the following:
- A valid Indiana Driver’s License which displays a current address;
- A valid Indiana State ID which displays a current address; or
- A current government issued photo ID (e.g., military ID, passport).
- A valid identification issued by another State (e.g., Driver’s License)
- A valid current university or college identification (e.g., Student identification)
If the presented Proper Identification does not display a current address, the applicant must present one item from the Recommended List in addition to the Indiana Driver’s License, Indiana State ID or other government issued photo ID presented as Proper Identification. The ID presented from the Recommended List must include a current address.
Recommended List of ID includes:
- Computer generated bank statement issued in applicant’s name within the last 30 days
- Computer generated utility, credit card company, doctor or hospital bill, issued in applicant’s name within the last 30 days and containing address of residence
- Medicaid or Medicare benefit statement issued in the applicant’s name within the last 30 days
- Change-of-address confirmation from the United States Postal Service showing prior and current address of residence (a P.O. Box is not acceptable as a residence address)
- Apartment lease signed within the last 30 days
- Property tax receipt issued in applicant’s name (Updated 10/17/18)
- Public Library Access Cards (PLAC) can be issued to any state resident who holds a valid library card from their “home” library and can be used at any public library in the state of Indiana. The current annual fee is $65.00. Any public library will issue your PLAC, which expires one year from the date of its issue and can be renewed annually. PLAC cardholders must abide by the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library guidelines to borrowing and assume responsibility of the materials you borrow.
- Confidentiality of Library Patrons and Circulation Records
- Pursuant to the provisions of IC 5-14-3-4 (b)(16), all records relating to library patrons and their use of library materials and services and all records deposited with or acquired by the library, upon condition that the records disclosed only on certain circumstances, are confidential, unless the records are needed:
- In claims against the library patrons for collection of fines, materials, and other expenses,
- In litigation where these records are material; or
- When these records are ordered to be disclosed by a civil, criminal, or administrative court having jurisdiction over the records.
Library staff is not authorized to disclose such records to any third party, except as noted above.
- Under Indiana Law, minors receive the same confidentiality as adults. However, since parents and guardians are responsible for their minor’s library cards, parents and guardians may have access to their children’s records.
- Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to require the disclosure of any other written materials, records, or archives other than expressly require by law.
- This policy is in place because of the library’s obligation to protect the privacy of every patron, so that each person’s preferences and use of the library remain the personal business of each patron.
Behavior in the Library
The Board of Trustees of the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library reserves the right to eject from the library premises and refuse further admission to individuals who violate the rights of the staff or library users or who create disorder on library premises in any of the following situations:
a) Any situation in which the actions of a person present an imminent danger to the life or safety of others on library premises.
b) Any situation in which a person is observed in an attempt to steal library property or that of another library user, or to maliciously destroy library property or that of another library user.
c) Any situation in which a person’s behavior is inappropriate to the use of the library building for the purposes for which it is legally constituted.
d) Any situation in which a person willfully and purposefully disturbs the staff or other library users or whose behavior is in any way disruptive to the legitimate use of the library facilities by others.
*All behavior situations in need of review by the board shall have a Patron Incident Report completed and will be discussed with a decision made at the next scheduled board meeting.
Inappropriate behavior includes, but not limited to:
Loitering, gambling, voyeurism, alcohol or tobacco use, possession of a controlled substance, rollerblading/skateboarding, threatening behavior, theft, carrying weapons, horseplay, excessive noise, excessive displays of affection, and mistreatment/misuse of library property.
Patrons must be appropriately attired when visiting the library, including shoes and shirts. (Approved 10/18/16)
Persons who violate these rules will be asked to leave the library premises or when appropriate, suspended or subject to arrest.
Denial of library service may be declared by the Director for just causes, such as defamation or loss of books or property, failure to pay fines, or disorderly conduct within the library environs.
Cell phones are accepted in the library as long as they are not a nuisance. Ring volumes should be reduced or turned off. When a patron receives a call, out of respect for others in the library, the call should be completed outside or in the main entrance. If a patron is receiving repeated calls, the patron may be asked to turn the phone off or leave the library.
Code of Conduct
Respect other patrons and their right to have a positive experience of the library.
Respect library employees whose responsibility it is to help you get the most from your library experience and to maintain a safe and comfortable atmosphere for all patrons.
Respect all library facilities, materials, computers, equipment, and resources, and understand and follow rules related to their use.
Failure to follow the behavior guidelines outlined here and in the policy manual will result in the following penalties:
- First offense: One verbal warning.
- Second offense: Excluded from library property for the remainder of the day.
- Third offense: Excluded from library property for one week.
- Fourth offense: Excluded from library property for one month.
- Fifth offense: Excluded from library property for one year.
- Additional violations may lead to exclusion from library property for an indefinite period of time.
(Approved 5/17/16, reviewed 7/20/21)
Children in the Library
The Boswell-Grant Township Public Library welcomes children into its facilities and wants a safe and secure environment for children while they are here. The following are the rules for children who attend the library:
- Any child under the age of 7 must be accompanied at all times by a responsible person who is at least 14 years of age, including at library sponsored programs.
- The library cannot be responsible for unattended children. If a parent or guardian of an unattended child under the age of 7 cannot be contacted within a half hour, the staff will contact local authorities. The library is not responsible for the whereabouts of these children once they leave the premises. (Updated 10/16/18.)
Alcohol & Smoking Policy
Alcohol and smoking are not allowed at the library. (Approved 7/17/18)
Personnel Policies
- Part-time employees shall be paid regular pay for any holiday that occurs during their regularly scheduled shift. (10/17/23)
Definition of Employee Status
- Regular employee”- 33 hour week. Regular employees are salaried and shall have an annual salary review. (Director and Assistant Director)
- “Part time employee” – hired to assist Assistant Director with hourly pay scale.
- “Temporary employee”- hired for a specific assignment of not over six months.
Pay Scales
- Director and Assistant Director– salary determined annually by the Board
- Custodian and Library Assistant– hourly rate determined annually by the Board
Recruitment & Dismissal
- It is the policy of the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library to provide equal opportunities for all employees and job applicants. The library will recruit, hire, and train all persons without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age (except where sex or age is a bona-fide occupational qualification as defined by law), or physical or mental disability (except where the disability prevents the individual from being able to perform essential functions of the job and cannot be reasonably accommodated in full compliance of the law). Applicants shall be screened by the Director and approved by the Board.
- Dismissal is the termination of employment by the Library of any employee with unsatisfactory conduct or job performance. The Director shall determine the appropriate period notice, if any, and will inform the employee in writing of the reason for dismissal. Regular employees dismissed from employment with the Library will not receive payment for accumulated sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave, or holiday leave credit.
Voluntary Resignation
Regular employees are asked to provide a 30 day written notice, if possible. Unused PTO (Paid Time Off) will be paid out, up to 30 PTO days. (Approved 10/18/16)
Work Schedules
- It is the responsibility of the Director to meet the needs of the library by having written work schedules prepared and time sheets kept up to date for all employees.
- The Library does not elect to pay overtime as provided for under the Fair Labor Standards Act. In lieu of overtime, the Director/Library Board will award compensatory time off for regular employees according to the provisions of the Act. Employees who work more than a 33 hour week must use their compensatory time within that or the next month’s pay period. If the employee has worked more than 40 hours in one week, the compensatory time will be awarded at 1.5 hours for every hour worked over 40. Under no circumstances will the accrued compensatory time exceed two hundred and forty (240) hours during the year. (approved 10/18/16)
- Regular employees may have time off for jury duty.
Time Off
- The library shall be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday and Saturday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday and Saturday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.
- Holidays are paid holidays for regular employees only.
- Part-time employees shall be paid regular pay for any holiday that occurs during their regularly scheduled shift. (10/17/23)
- Employees on unpaid leave do not receive holiday pay. (revised 11/16/21)
Paid Time Off
In lieu of having vacation, sick and personal days, the library chooses to put them all in one category, paid time off (PTO).
Regular Employees
- After 90 days of service, 2 days of paid time off (PTO) will be available.
- After 6 months of service, in the month when the 6 month anniversary occurs, 7 more days of PTO will be available.
- After 1 year of service, in the month when the 1 year anniversary occurs, 6 more days of PTO will be available.
- PTO may be carried over to the next year, but the maximum number of PTO to be carried over may not be greater than the current accrual that the employee is eligible for.
- Year in which the first anniversary occurs: 15 PTO
- Year in which the 2ndanniversary occurs through 5th anniversary: 25 PTO
- Year 6thanniversary and up: 30 PTO
- After one years’ service, PTO will be allotted at the beginning of the calendar year.
*To use their PTO, employees need to contact the Director via phone, email, or text if the need is for that day. If known in advance, the employee needs to discuss their PTO need and have the Director write it on the calendar at the front desk. (Revised 9/20/16) (Reviewed 8/2/17)
Leave of Absence
Requests are to be made in writing and granted without pay only upon approval of the Director. If the Director needs unpaid leave, they must seek the approval of the board. (Updated 5/18/21)
Bereavement leave for regular employees may be taken as follows:
- Spouse, parents, or child: 5 days
- Sibling(s): 3 days
- Aunt, uncle, cousins, nephews, nieces, close non-family member: 1 day
*Extension of leave in certain circumstances granted by board approval. (Revised 11/16/21)
Illness in Family
Time off without pay for illness in family may be granted by/for the Director.
Professional Development
The Director will accrue at least 20 LEUs (Library Education Unit) per year in order to maintain their certification. Over a five year span, at least 20 of the LEUs must be TLEUs (Technology Library Education Unit).
The LEUs will be attained by attending conferences and trainings offered throughout the year by the Indiana State Library (ISL) and other organizations approved by the ISL for LEUs.
The library board will be trained by the Director utilizing “IN the Public Trust: a reference manual for Indiana Public Library Board Members” by Dan Cain.
The Director may take courses that will count towards the LEU (Library Education Unit) requirement.
The Director may attend professional meetings. The Director may use library funds towards conference fees and hotel costs, not to exceed the annual budgeted amount. The Director must seek prior approval to attend conferences in order to be reimbursed. (Approved 1/17/17)
Meal Reimbursement
If a meal is offered at the conference at an additional cost, the director may choose to attend the meal with the cost being covered by the library. For other meals during travel, meal cost will be reimbursed up to the federal government per diem rate, using the meals standard rate for Indiana, https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates, upon presentation of receipts. (Approved 9/22/22)
Mileage Reimbursement
Personnel may have mileage reimbursed when on Library business at the federal rate. (Revised 3/29/16)
Library Contest Ineligibily
Employees and their immediate families are not eligible to enter any contest conducted by the library involving a draw, or merit-based competition judged by library staff or board members, where a major prize is awarded. (Approved 1/16/18)
Emergency Closing Pay
If the library should need to close due to an emergency, the staff will be paid if they are scheduled to work. (Approved 5/19/20)
Criminal Background Check
The library will conduct a criminal background check on all employees and volunteers over the age of 18. (Approved 8/18/20)
Library Materials
Policy for Selection of Library Books, Videos, and other Materials
This Board adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support:
- The Library Bill of Rights,
- The Freedom to Read Statement, both adopted by the American Library Association in the selection of library materials.
Books donated or offered as gifts must also meet the standards adopted for book selection. Donated books or materials, due to duplication or other reasons, are understood to be at the disposal of the Director’s best judgement and may be donated to the Friends of the Boswell Public Library to be sold to raise funds for the library. (Reviewed 8/2/17)
Policy for De-Selection of Library Materials
Systematic, continual evaluation of the library’s holdings is necessary to provide an up-to-date collection in good physical condition. The library believes that the amount of use that an item receives in the present outweighs the possibility that someone may use it someday. No extraordinary effort is made to preserve the last copy of any title in the collection. Items may be discarded by the library if they are surplus to the needs of the collection or physically so worn as to be unusable or if the content proves to be no longer relevant or valid in light of newer information.
Withdrawn materials are understood to be at the disposal of the Director’s best judgement.
Challenged Materials
Challenged material which meets the materials selection policy of the library should not be removed under any legal or extra-legal pressure. The Library Bill of Rights states in Article 1 that “materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation and in Article 2, that “materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval”. Freedom of expression is protected by the Constitution of the United States and requires a procedure designed to focus searchingly on challenged expression before it can be suppressed.
If a patron wishes to register a complaint concerning specific material(s) in the library, it must be in written form and given to Director. All complaints will be considered by the Board at the next regular board meeting and the patron will be notified of the Board’s decision. (Reviewed 8/2/17)
Monetary Policies
Finance and Investment Policy
Board of Finance
- The duly appointed members of the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library are the fiscal body of the library and thus constitute the Board Finance of the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library.
- The Boswell-Grant Township Public Library Board of Finance shall meet annually during the regular January board meeting to elect a president, vice president and secretary, review the written report of the library’s investments of the previous year and review the library’s finance and investment policy.
- The duly elected treasurer of the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library board is the fiscal officer (IC 20-14-2-5). The treasurer shall serve without compensation.
Funds received by the library shall be deposited in a designated depository at Farmers and Merchants Bank at a minimum of once each week, unless $500 or higher is received. (Updated 10/16/18)
- The fiscal officer of the library is authorized to invest library funds in the following (IC 5-13-9):
*Securities or discount notes backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Treasury or fully guaranteed by the United States and issued by the United States, a federal agency or a federal government sponsored enterprise.
Purchasing Policy
- The Boswell-Grant Township Public Library is a governmental body that is authorized to enter into contracts under the Indiana Public Purchasing Agency.
- The Boswell-Grant Township Public Library Board of Trustees is the Purchasing Agency.
- The Purchasing Agent is the Director of the library.
- The purchasing agent may purchase equipment and supplies costing up to $750. Any supplies or equipment costing $751 or more require the approval of the Boswell-Grant Township Public Library Board of Trustees.
- All purchases under $25,000 will be made on the open market. All items costing between $25,000 and $75,000 will be purchased only after inviting at least three quotes. In accordance with state statute, all items costing over $75,000 will be purchased following a competitive bidding procedure unless another procedure is authorized by statute.
(Reviewed 6/21/16)
Materiality Policy
IC 5-11-1-27(j) requires erroneous or irregular material variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of political subdivision funds or property to be reported immediately to the State Board of Accounts, and the State Examiner Directive 2015-6 directs each political subdivision to determine its own policy on materiality.
The Board of Trustees does not condone any erroneous or irregular material variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of Library funds or property, but recognizes that relatively small items may not justify the cost of the involvement of the State Board of Accounts.
The Library Board establishes a policy regarding materiality and the process for reporting material items as follows:
- All erroneous or irregular variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of Library funds or property, or funds or property the Library holds in trust, shall be reported to the Director or Treasurer.
- It is the policy of the Director and Treasurer to report to the State Board of Accounts any erroneous or irregular variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of cash in excess of $500, except for inadvertent clerical errors that are identified in a timely manner and corrected promptly with no loss to the Library.
- It is the policy of the Director and Treasurer to report to the State Board of Accounts any erroneous or irregular variances, losses, shortages, or thefts of non-cash items in excess of $500, estimated market value, except for those resulting from inadvertent clerical errors or misplacements that are identified in a timely manner and corrected promptly with no loss to the Library, and except for losses from genuine accidents.
In addition, the Library will adhere to IC 5-11-1-27(l) which requires public officials who have actual knowledge of or reasonable cause to believe that there has been a misappropriation of public funds or assets to immediately send written notice of the misappropriation to the State Board of Accounts and the Prosecuting Attorney regardless of the dollar amount. Misappropriation occurs when an employee or in-house contractor of the political subdivision wrongly takes or embezzles public funds or assets.
(Approved 7/17/18, updated 3/17/20)
Capital Assets & Depreciation
Capital assets include such items as: land, easements, right of ways, land improvements, buildings, building improvements, construction in progress, machinery and equipment, vehicles, infrastructure, books, works of art and monuments.
Capital assets with an estimated useful life of more than one year and an original cost of $5,000 or more will be accounted for as capital assets. In addition, the aggregate of all books and similar materials with a useful life of more than one year, regardless of the original cost, will be considered capital assets. (Approved 10/16/18)
Depreciation will be handled as follows:
- The building will be depreciated using straight line depreciation and having a useful life of 39 years. The US tax code was used to determine the useful life of buildings.
- The furniture will be depreciated using straight line depreciation and having a useful life of 5 years. The US tax code was used to determine the useful life of furniture.
- The collection value will be determined by running a report in the integrated library system (ILS). (Updated 3/15/22)
- No depreciation on items less than one year old. (7/18/23)
Bad Dept Policy
After a period of five years, uncollected fines and fees over $10.00 may be officially written off as bad debt. The recommended write-off amount will be presented to the Library Board for approval prior to deleting the debt records. Fine records will then be permanently purged from the system. (Approved 8/18/20)
Credit Card Policy
The purpose of the credit card policy is to facilitate purchases for the library in those limited circumstances where using a credit card is the only practicable means for making a purchase.
The Director will procure a credit card for the library from the financial institution offering the most favorable terms for the library. The Director may obtain a card that has an annual fee if the totality of the terms applicable to that particular credit card makes it the best choice for the library. The line of credit extended to the library by means of the credit card shall not exceed three thousand, five hundred dollars ($3,500.00).
The Director is the designated custodian of the credit card. The Director must ensure that the card is used in conformance with the library’s Resolution for Library Credit Card, the Indiana State Board of Accounts Accounting and Uniform Compliance Guidelines Manual for Libraries, and this policy.
The Director and Assistant Director will sign an agreement to use the credit card in accordance to library policy.
The Director, or a library employee designated by the Director, may use the credit card for the following types of purchases:
- Janitorial Supplies
- Office Supplies
- Program Supplies
- Collection Items
- Conference Fees
- Hotel Fees
- Stamps
- Elevator operating permit
- Services for the computers; and use of the library’s credit card for personal purchases is expressly prohibited.
The library is generally exempt from sales tax on purchases. The card user must notify the vendor or merchant that the credit card transaction should be tax exempt. The card user should provide the library’s Sales Tax Exemption Certificate at the time of purchase, to avoid paying sales tax. Meals and lodging are not exempt from sales tax.
The balance due on the credit card will be paid in full each month by or before the payment due date. Payments should not be made on the basis of a statement or a credit card slip only. Procedures for payments should be no different than for any other claim. Supporting documentation such as paid bills and itemized receipts must be provided by the card user. Any interest or penalty incurred due to late filing or furnishing of documentation by an officer or an employee will be the responsibility of that officer or employee.
Any benefits derived from the use of the credit card are the property of the library.
If the card is lost or stolen, the card issuer must be notified immediately. This loss must also be reported to the library’s board of trustees. (Approved 4/18/2017, updated 12/21/2021)
Electronic Meeting Policy
Library board members may participate electronically in Library board meetings, so long as the Library uses technology that permits simultaneous communication between board members and also permits the public to simultaneously attend and observe the meeting. No less than four (4) members must be physically present for any meeting in which any board members are participating electronically. A board member shall not attend more than two (2) consecutive meetings via electronic means and only half of the regularly scheduled board meetings during any given year, unless the reason to attend electronically is due to:
- Military service;
- Illness or other medical condition;
- Death of a relative; or
- An emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
Board members who are attending electronically shall be counted towards a quorum and, except as otherwise provided, may vote or otherwise take action on agenda items. A board member electronically participating in a meeting must be able to be both seen and heard using the designated electronic communication platform in order to take any final action. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a board member electronically participating in a meeting is not permitted to take final action if such action is an attempt to:
- Adopt a budget;
- Make a reduction in personnel;
- Initiate a referendum;
- Establish or increase a fee;
- Establish or increase a penalty;
- Use eminent domain authority; or
- Establish, raise or renew a tax.
All votes taken during a meeting with electronic attendees shall be taken by roll call vote.
Board members attending any meeting electronically shall notify the Library Director and the Board President no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to such meeting so that it can be confirmed that the appropriate amount of board members will be present at the meeting and that proper notice of electronic access to, and participation in, the meeting is posted.
The minutes for meeting with electronic attendees shall reflect which board member(s) were attending in person and which were attending via electronic means, as well as identify the electronic communication platform or mechanism utilized for the meeting. (Approved 8/17/2021)
Disaster Recovery Plan
- The definition of a disaster is when a disastrous event has occurred in which the library will be inaccessible for an extended period of time.
- A disaster may be declared by the President of the Board of Trustees under the recommendation of the Director.
- In the event of a disaster the following procedures are in place:
Ledger and Payroll: All payroll and monthly ledger balances are prepared by the Director.
Automation and Circulation: All patron, circulation, and collection information is accessible by logging into the Evergreen system.